Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things Fall Apart 1

Poor, poor Okonkwo. Or so he would want us to believe.

The joourneys and decision of Okonkwo, are an example of how an oral society can work towards ones benefit.
As a strong man, Okonkwo has beat the odds. Coming from nothing to create an life of great wealth and prosperity only to carry his past, as if it is a mountain, on his shoulder as he moves through hsi everyday.

This burden that he carries is exactly what prevents him from truly achieving the success he believes he has already attained. One example of this is the expectation that any prosperous man is able to rule his women and children. Yet, as is typical for Okonkwo, he takes this to its extreme. On the occasion of the "week of Peace" he severly beats one of his wives. This is seen to have potential for impacting the prosperity of the entire village as they are preparing for harvest. In fact, it has been many years since anyone has not kept the "peace" during the designated period. Although Okonkwo explains himself and pays a sort of pentince, he remains confident that he was correct in his behavior.

Although we are given many examples of the struggle tha Okonkwo has with hinself, we are introduced to a compassionate man as he comes to the aid of Ezinma when Chielo was taking her to Agbala. He came as a protector, father and husband. He did so in a manner to not show weakness yet, he made himself present and was willing to offer such protection as needed.

In this village the orality of its communicaiton offers hope and dispare, love and hate and creates above anything a desperate fear of things that the community cannot control. The legends and stories offer very little peace as one event folds into the other there is always a fear that what has happened before will repeat itself. As if constantly looking over it shoulder the community experinces prosperity and joy but will not allow itself to experience too much except for fear.
Okonkwo is living his life this way as well. Exahustingly attempting to rid himslef of the shadow of his father while not really understanding the man that he, himself is to be.

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