Monday, April 26, 2010

Kicking Reality Up a Notch

The augmented reality of our lives is forcing us to think about not just where we are but where we intend to be and how we want to see it.

To visualize our reality through wearable technology will enhance our experience of what is before us. Anything from video games to critical results of health care tests add to the diversity of such a reality.

I suppose I will have to absorb the fact that nothing is what it seems. A car is not just a car, countertop not just a countertop and so on. Transforming our surroundings into a stage for virtual reality is a frightening thing. As the article states, the world is “just too boring for many people”. So now that we have labeled it boring we must make it excited. Do we always have to figure out a way to be entertained? What ever happened to having a boring day, in the park with a great book a wonderful bottle of wine being enough? Or would it be more interesting to put on a pair of glasses and visualize a more stimulating environment, with your kindle in hand and a sommelier talking you through your wine choices.

I will take boring for now that is, until I am forced to join the stampede of others forging to new exciting technologies.

Are Social Networks Messing with Your Head

Is social networking messing with our heads or are we just who we are in any medium put in front of us?
In the article written by David DiSalvo, there are a few areas of personality that are explored as they enter the social media world.
Take, for example, the loner. Does a social networking site make a loner even lonelier? As we find in the reading, loners are not experiencing increased loneliness due to use of social networking sites. In fact, some may even find peace in communicating with who they want, when they want. In addition, those who want to reach out and stay connected with individuals in their lives are able to do so. The bottom line is, who you truly are is portrayed in face to face interactions as well as social networking sites.
If you are a lonely person, you will be lonely in your environment. This holds true for any personality traits. Addressed in the article is the ever loving narcissist who cannot get enough of themselves. Social networking sites grant them an area to shout “look at me, look at me” to the entire world. The definition by DiSalvo states that the narcissists are behaving the same online or offline. There is a “massing numerous but shallow relationships with their own profile definition of number of contacts, glamorous appearance and staged quality to the photo. Certainly these individuals are standouts among the rest since that is their personal motivator.
The question of addiction also arose, like in most social networking articles, at it pertains to the user. Can one be addicted to social networking in the same manner as drugs and alcohol? Absolutely. Again, an individual exists in their own characteristics whether they are online or offline.
Using social networking is an extension of us. It is who we are who we chose to associate with and communication we wish to engage in. Perhaps there are ways to hide behind the screen and portray ourselves in different manner however; our characteristics will always come through.

The Cellphone, Navigating Our Lives

The use of our cell phone’s as GPS devices offers a few conveniences but also offers a “big brother” cloud over us that may not be worth the benefits.

What are the benefits? Perhaps is the most appealing is the ease of mobility. To have an awareness of where you are and how to get where you are going adds a confidence and safety to our day that allows our mobility to be expanded. Navigating ourselves through different cities and the world is something that adds to our experience.
Safety is perhaps another benefit to consider. The idea of Google supporting tracking my children allows me to breathe a bit easier. Although it does not mean my children can exercise much more freedom, it does allow me to relax and enjoy the comfort of knowing there is a bit of a “safety net”. I imagine that once they become teenagers I will truly find values in this tool. Had my parents had access to this tracking device while I was in school I would have been busted on many occasion.
Location identification is perhaps the benefit that is the most contradictory in terms of our opinion. As the article indicates an example of catching a friend who just happens to be near by is one such benefit. However, what if you do not want to be found? What if you have told your boss that you needed to go home early when in fact, you were in the nearest boutique for quite some time. Or perhaps more interesting, what if you are Tiger Woods and your wife could locate your exact whereabouts?

Are all of these benefits of the cellphone applications and capabilities necessary for us to exercise? When do we begin to value privacy instead of convenience?

Unfortunately, I believe we have already crossed the threshold and there is no turning back. The challenge now is to keep pace with the rest of society as we try, as individuals, to participate in a technology movement that is faster than any of us can imagine. Keeping stride may force us to compromise liberties that we apparently are quick to give up; however the cost associated with these will not be able to be measured in the near future. By always referring to our screen instead of looking around us, we are certain to miss something along the way.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tapscott: Business



Tapscott leads us through a great chapter regarding the Net Generation and the workplace.
The realities are that companies are going to need to completely breakdown and rebuild their infrastructure in order to survive the next 30 years. This is primary the result of the Net Gen who are eager to initiate, engage, collaborate and evolve in their workspace.
The Net Gen has a reputation of a generation of individuals who feel “entitled” and come into the work force unwilling to work their way to the top as previous generations of workers. Therein lies the battlefield. As two generations collide, baby boomers and Net Gen, we see a “survival of the fittest” mentality develop.
As we have all heard this semester, this is a generation that has, indeed, grown up digital. Yet they bring with them a vast amount of knowledge and confidence to support a company’s mission.
Perhaps it is a matter of meeting half way. Would that pave the way? It may. But this is a generation that has its own definition of a work day. Net Gen’s wanted to create, work as a team and collaborate on company initiatives. As the book points out, this generation can become quickly disengaged if they join an organization that considers Facebook a distraction.
I think that Google is setting precedence in nailing this generation. Google is said to be the most successful company in the world. In a recent NBC program, Google attributed its success to its people and its customers. In regard to staff, the working environment is comprised as one in which you do not have a dress code, that you are encouraged to step away from your desk to work out, play ping pong, do your laundry or have sushi for lunch. All of these options are on site and free to the staff. Google’s methodology is simple. Make all of these “distractions” available on site and free and they will work more. This is an organization that is able to recruit some of the most brilliant minds in the business but they are also able to structure a work day that brings this brilliance to the surface to benefit the company.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Grown Up Digital

The Net Generation has taken the world by storm and after beginning "Grown Up Digital" it is evident that the rest of us should get on board!

The Net Generation has given most of us ( Gen X and Babyboomers) that they are lazy, lack drive and basic work ethic. Perhaps since this was some of the feeling regarding the "Y" generation that we just assumed it has carried over. However, we need to stand and take notice of this generation.

"Grown Up Digital" has graciously offered us some education on the journey of each generation by mapping out a normal day. Early on you get the sense that, yes indeed, each generation has new experiences as technology and society evolve. But we are in a completely different, and exciting time. Since this generation is "growing up digital" we find ourselves dealing with much more that teenage or adolescent issues. We find a brilliant generation that we are dependent upon to show us the way.

As a parent of two girls, 5 and 9, I find myself frustrated that it is so different that when I grew up. At 38, I still remember being very active and not wanting to sit around. On our recent trip to Hawaii my nine year old had to have a screen on every time she had a spare moment. Certainly we built sand castles and did the usual beach activities but a computer or screen certainly was the preference. Taking a DS to the beach made me crazy. This prompted a "family meeting" a few nights ago to discuss screen time. As parents we thought we were doing the appropriate thing. Now, we made need to rethink this avenue. As the book points out my children are of a generation in which this IS their play and more importantly, they can handle it. They can multitask, be creative and be socialized all at the same time. If we do not support this, within a monitored environment of course, we may be stunting their "technology growth".

In addition to the home front, the work force is going to have to adjust to this generation and companies need to position themselves to appeal to, and retain, this generation of workers. This will require reinvention. Reinvention of the work space, making it virtual and to not be afraid to have a worker off site. There is a perception that if you are not in the office you are not working. This generation blows that statement out of the water and proves to the rest of us that there may indeed be more productivity from a virtual office. A day without discussion at the water cooler or office gossip has been traded in for skpe conference calls and IM team interaction. Companies will also need to reinvent their mission, vision and values. A global consciousness is mandatory for this generation and to be part of an organization with purpose will be the organization with the most appeal. This reinvention will indeed be multifaceted and a constant evolution.

I look forward to reading on to pull on of this together. In the mean time I need to add two items to my personal "to do" list. One, call another family meeting and two, find a virtual assistant as was mentioned in the book to organize my day. I better write that down.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

A Better Pencil

I have found this book to be a great read with some fantastic issues of debate.
One is the issue that we tend not to "trust" the next technology or way of doing something. We are skeptical and need to be shown proof that something is, indeed, worthy of consideration. But lack of trust initially prevails and just when we are ready to get excited, some things, prove our lack of trust is a legitimate concern.
Take for example the Oprah Book Club pick in which the author stated his work was a Biography. A heart wrentching story, one to support Oprah's inate nack for the intensity of reality, only to find out that he has misrepresented his work and indeed this was a work of fiction. This is of course after millions of copies, with the giant "O" sticker, have sold and now everyone in the worls feels betrayed. This takes us back to the beginning of this class when Homer was questioned of his authenticity and legitamacy as a poet. Trust, it's a tough thing to engage in without some level of reservation.
As I was thinking of this I was on my way to a meeting to support the treatment of pediatric patients from a hospital outside of the area. During our dinner meeting I was told that the specialists involoved may not be able to come onsite however, we could creat a telemedicine link that would allow the physician to treat the patient through a polycam. But this cannot possibly take the place of a phyisician present in the room. In this situation it has indeed proven to be a fantastic way, for some levels of care, to support the patient without requiring them to leave thier home.
To trust or not to trust?
Trust, can we afford to trust much of anything?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Things Fall Apart 1

Poor, poor Okonkwo. Or so he would want us to believe.

The joourneys and decision of Okonkwo, are an example of how an oral society can work towards ones benefit.
As a strong man, Okonkwo has beat the odds. Coming from nothing to create an life of great wealth and prosperity only to carry his past, as if it is a mountain, on his shoulder as he moves through hsi everyday.

This burden that he carries is exactly what prevents him from truly achieving the success he believes he has already attained. One example of this is the expectation that any prosperous man is able to rule his women and children. Yet, as is typical for Okonkwo, he takes this to its extreme. On the occasion of the "week of Peace" he severly beats one of his wives. This is seen to have potential for impacting the prosperity of the entire village as they are preparing for harvest. In fact, it has been many years since anyone has not kept the "peace" during the designated period. Although Okonkwo explains himself and pays a sort of pentince, he remains confident that he was correct in his behavior.

Although we are given many examples of the struggle tha Okonkwo has with hinself, we are introduced to a compassionate man as he comes to the aid of Ezinma when Chielo was taking her to Agbala. He came as a protector, father and husband. He did so in a manner to not show weakness yet, he made himself present and was willing to offer such protection as needed.

In this village the orality of its communicaiton offers hope and dispare, love and hate and creates above anything a desperate fear of things that the community cannot control. The legends and stories offer very little peace as one event folds into the other there is always a fear that what has happened before will repeat itself. As if constantly looking over it shoulder the community experinces prosperity and joy but will not allow itself to experience too much except for fear.
Okonkwo is living his life this way as well. Exahustingly attempting to rid himslef of the shadow of his father while not really understanding the man that he, himself is to be.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ong 2

This portion of Ong's work brought to light the fact that although oral communication has many attributes, it is constantly disappearing. With this disapperance one must respect the value the written language holds.
But what gets lost along the way and who's version should one follow? I think we see this in everything from recollection of history to the telling of current events.
Historians are in a constant battel with what has been written, what artifacts remain and what stories were told in order to understand a village or community. Unfortunately, they are subject to what they are allowed to see by those that have left breadcrumbs behind. What you discover in the end is all that you have been permitted to discover.
The written language arguably becomes an artifact that sustains itself beyond the oral language. However, we risk discarding what is no longer necessary simply out of necessity to absorb new knowledge or data. Yet, a division will continue between oral cultures and those that use writing as their language. Communication is compromised and we all lose something in the end.

Ong 1

Orality, use it or lose it!

In an oral cutlure the oral componenets that define and refine the culture weave status and history into the culture of which it resides. It is a heavy burden for the messanger to be accurate, articulate and purposeful in the message. Or is it? Perhaps one of the biggest challenges for the survival of an oral culture is to sustain momentum in the dialogue. As your knowledge continues to change, so must the message and stories to support such an evolution.

As we look at our society today one cant help but be burdened with the role of the listener. In a most recent Presedential Campaign, President Obama used some basic oral skills to get across his message and articulate the "dream". The repitious manner of spreading the simple words of HOPE and YES WE CAN, hypmatized a nation. Hearing the enthusiasm in his voice, the rhetorical messages and the tone were essential to his mantra. In a written society all of these would have simply been lost.

Oral culture have the commitment to pass on the messages that sustain their society and in so doing have the challenge of keeping the message alive and accurate or it will simply float away and be lost forever.